This looping track is inspired by Klarg the Bugbear in The Lost Mine of Phandelvar, the DnD Starter Adventure Kit.

Klarg is a bully, and fancies himself a mighty warlord. Although fiercely strong, he also isn't entirely sane. The primal drums, flutes, and churning double bass motor illustrate the threat he imposes, as well as his simplistic delusions.

Although it was inspired by a very specific NPC, this combat track is surprisingly versatile. The ominous swells you hear in the low winds suggest any dullard, lumbering threat. So this track works just as well when your party is fighting oozes, killer plants, zombies, and giants. What’s more, is it can work in multiple environments, with percussion that is evocative of clattering bones, wood, and junk metal. Which means this track has a home in your desert, forest, jungle, cave, and steampunk urban settings.


Cave Skirmish


Frontier Ghost Town